Donald Trump Is Not a Candidate. He’s an Insurrectionist.

It’s Irresponsible to Normalize an Insurrectionist. (Looking at You CNN).

Andrew P. Brown III, PhD
3 min readMay 11, 2023
Carlos Herrero. Pexels

I didn’t watch Trump on the CNN ‘town hall’ on the night of May 10, 2023. No reason to. It’s a broken record playing the same worn out tune over and over again. A needle stuck in the same groove. I don’t need that kind of “entertainment” and I don’t get a thrill out of watching a madman express exactly how he plans to destroy the country of my birth.

To those who tuned in, did you expect to hear something different? Narcissism is quite predictable and without treatment, it will remain the defining modus operandi of the person who manifests that personality. Donald Trump understands exactly who and what he is. It’s the American mediasphere and Joe Biden’s Justice Department who, so far, demonstrate that they are clueless. There seeming negligence is endangering all American citizens who believe in democracy.

To be clear, lets get the language correct. Trump is not a candidate for President of the United States. He doesn’t give a flying insult about a democracy. He fancies himself after North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. He has stated on multiple occasions that he absolutely “loves the guy.” He also has rather cozy relationships with other dictators around the globe. You can…

